Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's so funny that I have no idea what a TWILIGHT movie is all about. Curiosity.. because I've seen the premiere night in TV PATROL WORLD and I asked my cousin what is it? Tsktsk..what a busy life I've had in Bahrain that I am not familiar with this. I am not fond of reading thick books if not of my interests.Well, I just finished reading Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT VAMPIRE LOVE SAGA since I go GAGA when me and my husband watched it in ROB Metroeast. I'm thankful that his nephew already had these four books where he generously lent it to me. I'm also thankful that my husband put it on our luggage so that I could finish reading them when we get back here in Bahrain.

I love how Stephenie plays with my heart pounding imagination as I read each page, I can't help but to turn to another page. I like BREAKING DAWN the most. A happy ending that I expected to be which satisfies me because I don’t like tragic endings.

I should have been bought the Twilight’s movie soundtrack and books as weelwhen we were in the Phils. Because its nowhere to be found here. I want to buy via amazon.com but decided to wait till I get back to the Phils on March. hahaha

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